The World's Fastest Screenplay Contest, created and managed 24/7 by WGA award-winning writers, producers, and directors (with more than 700 PRODUCED film and television credits).

No "interns" or amateur readers and ZERO use of Artificial Intelligence tools or data-driven "algorithms" to assess your hard work.

All feedback and analysis is written by industry professionals who have been thoroughly vetted for their background as writers, studio development executives, or producers. The majority of our team hold advanced screenwriting degrees from leading university film schools; many can boast multiple produced credits on IMDB.

Any script analysis our team delivers to you is GUARANTEED to help bring your script up to the professional and marketable level. If you don't agree that our analysis accomplishes that objective, simply let us know and we'll happily refund any and all fees you have paid.

Top-ranked for communication, response times, and personal attention!

Now accepting entries for "Line Notes & Live Consultation" with a WGA award-winning writer producer/Senior Judge. (Limited to four entries per month.)

The Wiki is the first screenplay contest to identify by name its senior judging panel (all seasoned industry pros!) and to let writers know "the insiders' Hollywood secret"...that the first ten pages of any script are the ones that REALLY count and can make or break your chances of making a sale.

10-page Contest Only Entry fee slashed by 30%: enter early for only $34!

It all starts with the script...and the script starts with the first 10 pages. We quickly help writers discover the compelling "hook" that studios and producers are looking for.

All submissions are read page-by-page, word-for-word.


Enter 10 pages at the "Scores & Comments" level to receive a complete one-page analysis with individual scores in the principal elements of professional screenwriting, with three WINNERS ANNOUNCED AND PRIZES AWARDED EACH AND EVERY MONTH.

Enter 10 pages at the "Full Studio Notes" level to receive 3-4 pages of professional Hollywood Studio Notes covering five primary screenplay elements that include concept, storyline, characters, dialogue, and pacing.

Enter your full script for "Executive Level Studio Notes" and receive your PDF score sheet with 6-10 pages of professional Executive level notes covering all 10 primary screenplay elements, including concept, structure, storyline, characters, dialogue, pacing, tone, conflict, emotional response and sales/marketplace potential...along with personalized comments direct from the judges.

Many writers have trouble getting through a complete script simply because their early scenes and characters are flawed. We help you focus on the critical nature of your opening pages and give you the "course correction" to quickly bring your work up to the professional and marketable level.

EVERY WRITER submitting to The Wiki Screenplay Contest gets online recognition each month. All entries and writers are listed/promoted online.

At each entry level:
Every word of every submission is read, scored, and analyzed according to the following criteria: Concept • Structure • Storyline • Characters • Dialogue • Pacing • Tone • Conflict • Emotional Response- Investment • Sales/Marketplace Potential.

All Wiki judges are seasoned industry professionals looking for the best writing talent to promote and inspire. It's all about the writing...and helping good writers become PAID writers.

For more than three decades we have hired, mentored, and promoted writers to active film and television careers...with some of those we've helped achieving genuine superstar status as writers, producers, directors, and showrunners.

At The Wiki, it doesn't matter who you are or where you are. We're dedicated to finding the very best writers without regard to gender, race, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, or citizenship. It's only about one thing: your writing.

Every 10-page entry at the written feedback level receives a complete score sheet and one-page analysis. Higher entry levels receive 4-10 pages of in-depth personalized analysis designed to quickly bring scripts up to the professional level.

EVERY entry receives monthly online recognition.

• Screenplay winners receive the complete hard-cover collection of the best-selling "Stop Screwing Around and Write..." books as well as the hard cover 2024 edition of "The Hollywood Screenwriter: An Insider's Guide to Professional Screenwriting".
• Feature winners also receive a complete InkTip prize package (Listing your script for promotion to InkTip's network of bona fide producers looking for projects) ($200 value)
• Best TV Script winners receive a hard copy of "Stop Screwing Around and Write a Screenplay that SELLS"
• Best Short Script winners receive a hard copy of "Stop Screwing Around and WIN Your Next Screenplay Contest"
• All winners receive free script listing at ($200 value)
• All winners receive free membership at ($150 value)
• Selected Finalists and Winners are featured in the annual online Writers Showcase with individual online recognition and promotional links via web page interviews and photos distributed to a network of 15,000+ industry professionals with full access to the Wiki Finalists and Winners Laurels.

Screenplay contest material submitted to The Wiki Screenplay Contest is accepted via electronic submission only.

Submissions must be in PDF file format, title ONLY in the PDF file name (no FULL CAPS or quotation marks in the title or in the writer's name). Credit, spelling and punctuation of writer names and script titles will be published as submitted at time of entry.

Maximum acceptable page counts: Screenplay=130. TV Script=70. Short Film Script=30.

There is no limit to the number of screenplay, teleplay, or short film scripts you may submit.

Submitted script material must be received by midnight of each monthly deadline date and submission fee payment must accompany your material.

All entry fees are non-refundable (because as soon as we receive your pages, we GO TO WORK.). Revisions, changes, or updates to existing entries require an additional entry.

All prize awards must be claimed within 21 days of contest results announcement. Prizes not claimed within 21 days will be forfeited.

Multiple entries are accepted. Submitting the same script pages for different levels of analysis is fine. In all cases, each entry or request for varying levels of analysis must be entered individually. When multiple levels of analysis are NOT entered individually, only the highest level of analysis will be provided with no refunds for other analysis services.

Every page of Full Script Reading entries will be read. 10-page entry levels will be read through page 10 only with scoring based upon that reading only. Number scores are based on a scale of 1-10.

All material submitted to these screenplay contests must be original, and all rights must be wholly owned by the writer(s). Public domain sources for material are acceptable.

Screenplays and scripts must be submitted by the credited writer or an authorized representative. Screenplays and scripts written by writing teams must be submitted by one of the writers, with the consent of the other(s) or their representatives.

If a screenwriting team is chosen as a winner, prizes will be given to the screenwriter submitting the project. Each team is responsible for dividing or sharing the prize money, with no direction from The Wiki Screenplay Contest administrators, staff, or judges.

Scripts, outlines, treatments currently in production, under option or production financing agreements, or which have been produced prior to submission are ineligible for The Wiki or its professional feedback services. Entry fees for such submissions will not be refunded.

By using our service, you authorize us to use any trusted third-party online and cloud-based services and databases for hosting, managing, and/or transmitting your submission file(s), including FilmFreeway.

All copyright, ownership and derivative rights to the material submitted to The Wiki Screenplay Contest remains with the original rights holders and/or author.

Plagiarized or non-original written materials will be disqualified.

Prior winning Wiki scripts may not be entered in subsequent contests, but may receive additional levels of analysis and feedback as a re-submission.

Scores, comments, and analyses are objectively presented and intended to be illustrative, instructive, and helpful in guiding the writer along a professional path. Scores and comments are in accordance with current professional film and television industry standards. Scores, comments, and analyses returned to writers may be adjusted, edited, or revised pursuant to a "second review" only as a new entry in the same contest period. No warranty is made, expressed, or implied regarding scores, comments, or analyses with respect to any materials submitted to the competition. Reviews and scoring are subjective. Submitting material to any Wiki contest or for analysis and scoring and commentary is solely at the risk of the writer and with the agreement of the writer that any such scores, analysis, and commentary will be accepted without protest by the writer as subjective and offered as the best professional opinion of the contest administrators and staff. Writers agree to accept scores, analysis, comments, and opinions without protest and hereby agree to refrain from issuing inflammatory responses or negative online reviews of any kind.

Submitting Writers acknowledge that any and all written feedback and analysis commentary is subjectively presented and intended to be illustrative, instructive, and helpful in guiding the writer along a professional path. Scores and comments are in accordance with current professional film and television industry standards, but the writer accepts them as purely subjective pursuant to the judgment and opinion of the individual reader-analyst and agrees not to request, demand, or suggest an alternate, different, or revised written feedback; no guarantees of satisfaction on the part of the writer are expressed or implied.


All screenwriters, without regard to age, race, ethnicity, gender, country of origin, native language, or sexual preference at least 16 years of age are eligible.

The screenplay, television script, or short film script material submitted must be in English.

All screenplay, television script, or short film script material submitted to other competitions or contests is eligible.

There are no limitations or restrictions as to the date of authorship of the submitted screenplay, television script, or short film materials.

Screenplay, television script, or short film script material should be submitted in standard screenplay format, font, spacing, and margins.

No limitations regarding title page content. The title and name of the screenwriter and contact information on the cover page are recommended.

Adaptations of source material or other literary work must be properly referenced and credited.

All screenplay, television script, or short film script material must be submitted electronically as a PDF digital file with only the TITLE of the script in the filename (no quotation marks, additional punctuation, or words in all CAPS).

Submission of written materials establishes each writer's consent to The Wiki Screenplay Contest LLC to the use of entrants’ names, likenesses, photographs, and/or personal information for any and all future promotional purposes. By entering this contest or any others with whom The Wiki is affiliated, you agree to receive email marketing messages and updates relative to this contest and any affiliated sources and providers from us. You may opt out/unsubscribe from those messages and marketing protocols at any time simply by letting us know at Winning writers agree to provide The Wiki with a headshot photo for inclusion in publicity material and publication on The Wiki website. Writers' names will be posted on our website and in media announcements as they are written on any entry forms; misspellings, upper-lower case, punctuation will be replicated as entered (it is suggested that accurate spelling and appropriate use of upper and lower case in first and last names be used). Script titles should not be entered in all capital letters.

• All written or verbal coverage, critique, criticism, or analysis of submitted material is provided subjectively based upon objective standards as they are applied to the writing submitted and under consideration.
• No warranties are expressed or implied as to the utility, value, or accuracy of statements written or spoken by our reader-analysts with regard to material submitted to us by writers, customers, or contest entrants.
• Comments provided by judges, readers, administrators, or other writers are based upon personal opinion only and do not reflect the opinions of management; management assumes no responsibility for the academic, creative, professional, economic, or emotional impact or consequences of the opinions we provide.
• Submitting writers agree to hold harmless against claims of any and every kind, each and every employee, independent contractor, reader, analyst, system administrator, or officer of the company in perpetuity.
• Material submitted to the competition is solely at the risk of the individual registering, entering, or offering written material for scoring, analysis, judgment, or commentary.
• Once submitted material has been entered into our database and/or read, reviewed, analyzed, critiqued, scored, or commented upon by agents, employees, representatives, or management of the company, no refund of the entry fee will be made.

Overall Rating
  • Tasha Hardy

    Great experience with quick and very helpful feedback. :)

    May 2024
  • John White

    I was honored to have my political thriller screenplay, "The 147" named as a Semi-Finalist in this Festival. They have been honest, consistent and creatively helpful toward getting this screenplay closer to market-ready and I can' thank them enough. John L. White

    May 2024
  • EJ Mayer

    It was truly an honor to be named as a Finalist for my first entry of "In A Pickle". The 30-day turnaround time is perfect. I look forward to entering again and hopefully being picked as a future Winner. Great contest. Great people!

    May 2024
  • Fernando Mattos

    Incredibly honored to have my script Broken Sandwiches as a semi-finalist of this great festival! I love their mission of helping us screenwriters improve our craft - it's more than a festival. Thank you to the organizers!

    May 2024
  • Will always submit new projects to this contest for quick, quality feedback

    May 2024