Paradise Film Festival is an IMDb Certified international monthly online competition which celebrates creativity and aims to highlight the creators of tomorrow.

Our goal is to showcase and support works that show the true potential of the filmmaker, we wanted to create a space where creatives don't have to worry about all the criteria Hollywood has created, there are no limitations only your imagination.

Founded by a group of creatives, Paradise Film Festival was born out of an enthusiasm for creativity and a passion for discovering new inspirations and rising talented artists.

Online by design, Paradise Film Festival is dedicated to bring people together and allow worldwide creators of any form of contents to take part of the competition.
Every month, our jury - a panel of creative talents from around the globe - award the best creative works.

Creativity is everywhere - we are proudly open to all kind of projects with no restriction as long as it is inventive and full of creativity. We are excited to be part of your journey and devoted to support and encourage all new content creators. All winners receive a Paradise Film Festival laurel, certificate and will be shared across all of our social platforms.

Films selected for the Official Selection will be nominated for an award in at least one of the following categories:

Best Feature Film
Best Animation
Best Documentary
Best Short Film
Best Experimental
Best Music Video
Best Action / Adventure
Best Sci-Fi
Best Fantasy
Best Horror
Best Drama
Best Comedy
Best Director
Best Cinematography
Best Sound Design
Best Visual FX
Best Actor
Best Actress

All the Official Selections, Finalists, Nominees, Honorable Mentions and Winners will receive an official Paradise Film Festival laurel and winners also get an Official Certificate with their name and the title of their film.

The winners will be announced on our social media.


We have a new category in both the Short Film and Feature Film section called "Film of the Year". This category is the ticket for Best Short/Feature Film of the Year Award, which will be selected at the end of the year and will be picked from the short/feature films that are sent in throughout the year. The winner will receive a personalised physical award, which will be sent out to the submitter + €250 grand prize for each category.
(The only way to qualify and to be considered is if you submitted your project through the "Short/ Feature Film of the Year" category).

· Films can be from anywhere in the world.

· Non-English films must have subtitles in English. For Music Videos no English subtitles needed.

· Films have no premiere requirements or prior screening restrictions that impact Festival eligibility and may have been screened at any number of festivals or other public theatrical exhibitions, broadcast or streamed on television or the Internet, and/or released via any home video or other public distribution platform anywhere in the world.

· Any project may participate, no matter when or where it was created.

· The filmmaker has cleared all the rights for their film. Paradise Film Festival isn't the right holder of the films nor responsible towards any claims that arise regarding copyrights.

· Paradise Film Festival has the right to use a trailer, stills and a poster from the films for promotional purposes.

· The Filmmaker/s is/are responsible for making sure all submission materials are submitted by the submission deadline indicated. If your film does not arrive or is not uploaded by the deadline for which you have registered, you may be withdrawn.

· Submission fees are non-refundable.

· All decisions regarding award winners and selections are considered final and incontestable.

Overall Rating
  • Thank you for awarding my submission the Best Music Video. Really appreciate it.

    June 2024
  • Ernest Pick

    Perfect ending to the Paradise Film Festival. Thank you for choosing my script, Rise of the Looney Bird as Best Feature Script.
    I hope to see it on the screen in Budapest one of these days.

    June 2024
  • So very pleased and proud for our short film, 'Too Young For Love' to have been selected as a monthly winner in the awesome Paradise Film Festival. You have awarded our lead actors, Aleysha-Jade Melville and Nicky Dune, Best Actor and Actress. What an absolute honour! Such a well run festival. On behalf of Aleysha and Nicky, I and my team are ecstatic! Thank you!

    June 2024
  • It was a pleasure to be selected by Paradise Film Festival as Best Feature film.

    May 2024
    Response from festival:

    Thank you for being with us and congratulations.

  • John Wylie

    I am very appreciative for Paradise Film Festival recognizing the value in a groundbreaking attempt to use AI text-to-image technology to illustrate abstract idea about the deep evolution of human motivations.

    May 2024
    Response from festival:

    Thank you for joining us John! We always appreciate new perspectives.