¡Hola! We are VALÈIFF • València Indie Film Festival, an international film festival with quarterly screening events in València - Spain, and member of the IBERIFF • Iberia Indie Film Festivals, which celebrates and showcases new productions and independent artists from all over the world in Madrid (MADRIFF), Barcelona (BARCIFF), València (VALÈIFF), Seville (SEVIFF), Lisbon (LISBIFF) and Montpellier (MONTIFF), that you can also find them here, in FilmFreeway!

VALÈIFF shares the mission of its associate festivals of supporting emerging talents, encouraging artistic exploration, fostering networking, promoting cultural exchange and engaging the local community by providing a platform to present the work of independent filmmakers.

Fiction films, animation, documentary and experimental works of any genre and subject are welcome!

Awards & Prizes
(para leerlo en español, acceda www.iberiff.org)

• A number of films from each category will be selected for the competition;

• Our team will randomly choose, among the selected films, the ones to be screened in our events; such choice will not affect the winners selection in October 2024;

• In the first week of October 2024, the jury will select the winners, from each category, for the annual event in València - Spain, late that month;

• All winning films will be given The VALÈIFF Trophy.

Below, you’ll see the rules and terms that you accept when submitting films, videos and other materials to our festival.

1.1 VALÈIFF accepts both Spanish and foreign films with Spanish or English subtitles, or without subtitles if the language of the film is Castilian Spanish or English;;
1.2 Entry fees must be paid through our submitting platforms at time of submission and they are non-refundable (films made by Spanish directors are offered a discount in the entry fee – submission via "Spanish Directors" category);
1.3 Multiple entries from the same submitter are accepted. A separate submission and a separate entry fee must accompany each entry;
1.4 Films can be resubmitted in case they were not selected in the previous editions;
1.5 A film submitted to VALÈIFF only competes in VALÈIFF. If you want to compete in MADRIFF, BARCIFF, SEVIFF or LISBIFF you must access their pages in FilmFreeway and submit an entry there, since the festivals are independent and does not share the same jury;
1.6 Films can only be submitted through our submitting platforms and must be available to view through such platforms. No postal submissions are accepted;
1.7 We accept works of any country in the world produced from January 1st 2021 onwards;
1.8 VALÈIFF does not send out discount waivers or free entries.

2.1 All films must be submitted in a digital format in the correct category respecting its length:
• Supershort (documentary, fiction, experimental): up to 5 minutes
• Short Film (fiction, experimental): up to 30 minutes
• Short Documentary: up to 30 minutes
• Short Animation: up to 30 minutes
• Featurette (animation, documentary, fiction): from 30 to 60 minutes
• Feature Film: +60 minutes
• Feature Documentary: +60 minutes
• Music Video

• Best Director (All submitted films compete in this category with no extra fee)
• Best Actor (All submitted films compete in this category with no extra fee)
• Best Actress (All submitted films compete in this category with no extra fee)

Official Selection • Awards
3.1 A number of films from each category will be selected for the competition;
3.2 Our team will choose, at their discretion (among the selected Supershorts, Short Films of all kinds and Music Videos), the works to be screened at the quarterly screening events; such an election bears no relation to the selection of the winners in October 2024. Featurettes, Feature Films and Feature Docs participate in the contest but are not screened in the events;
3.3 In the first week of October 2024, the jury will select the winners, from each category, for the annual event in València - Spain, in late that month;
3.4 All winning films will be given the VALÈIFF Trophy;
3.5 Submitting does not guarantee your film as an official selection of VALÈIFF, a selection for the competition does not guarantee your film to be screened and does not guarantee your film as a winner;
3.6 VALÈIFF selection committee and jury's decision are final, the status of submissions will be disclosed through our submitting platforms and it is the submitter’s full responsibility to track the status of their submission;
3.7 VALÈIFF does not offer feedback on the submitted films nor the jury's decision.

4.1 VALÈIFF does NOT publish films on its website or social media channels;
4.2 VALÈIFF does not pay screening fees nor travel expenses;
4.3 VALÈIFF may use your film frames, trailer and press pack material for promotional purposes on its website or social media and adapt them to its visual identity;
4.4 The releases for all content including, but not limited to, music and talent must be obtained by the filmmaker;
4.5 VALÈIFF is not liable for any copyright infringement or unauthorised usage;
4.6 By submitting a film, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless VALÈIFF from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney’s fees, and costs of the court) which may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, publicity, screening, and loss of or damage to the screening videos entered;
4.7 VALÈIFF reserves the right to make any changes in the festival configuration without prior notice if it is necessary.

5.1 Films submitted in the incorrect category are automatically disqualified;
5.2 Failure to meet the eligibility requirements or delivery of materials requested by the organisation within the deadline will lead to disqualification in whatever phase of the competition (submission, selection or awards);
5.3 VALÈIFF may disqualify a selected film and erase the promoted content from its website and social media if the submitter or responsible for the film is involved in legal issues concerning the submitted film, or is involved in any action that may offend or diminish the credibility of the festival; 
5.4 Disqualification will not entitle a submitter to a refund of the entry fee;
5.5  If a film is withdrawn from the festival, we will not be liable to refund any entry fee.

Acceptance of the bases
6.1 Participation in the VALÈIFF • València Indie Film Festival implies acceptance of these rules.

Overall Rating
  • Yolliztli Ruiz

    Muy felices de haber sido seleccionados con nuestro cortometraje documental animado "La Certeza. Historias para no olvidar" en Valeiff, aunque no pudimos ir presencialmente a vivir la experiencia del festival, agradecemos que la comunicación con Caio siempre fue muy fluida y cordial y desde el festival nos enviaron fotografías del día del evento. Estoy segura de que este festival seguirá creciendo y convocando cada vez a más cineastas emergentes deseosos de compartir sus proyectos. Gracias a todo el equipo de Valeiff!

    May 2024
  • Randy Navarro

    Ha sido una gran oportunidad para mostrar nuestro cortometraje, Aurora, en otras latitudes.
    Felicito al equipo del VALEIFF por su interés y esfuerzo para llevar a cabo el festival.

    May 2024
  • Federico Ahumada D

    Great festival! I wished I couldn´t go personally, but still, the communication was great, and they sent me pictures of the event and the screening of my film. I am very thankful to them and want to apply my future projects at their festival.

    May 2024
  • Laura ML

    Congratulations on the organization. A pleasant experience. Great work that the festival does for indie cinema. Thank you

    May 2024
  • Very nice experience, thank you for selecting my short film PLASTIC SOLDIER.

    April 2024