The Mumbai Short and Documentary Film Festival (MSDFF) stands as a vibrant celebration of the art of short filmmaking and documentary storytelling. Held annually in the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, India, this festival has carved out a niche for itself as a platform that champions emerging and established filmmakers alike, offering them a stage to showcase their creative prowess and share compelling narratives with audiences from around the world.

At the heart of the MSDFF are the short films and documentaries that take center stage. These genres offer a unique opportunity for filmmakers to distill their ideas into concise yet impactful narratives, often exploring themes and subjects with depth and nuance within limited time frames. From thought-provoking documentaries shedding light on pressing social issues to fictional shorts that transport viewers into imaginative worlds, the range and diversity of content at the MSDFF are boundless.

One of the hallmarks of the festival is its commitment to fostering a spirit of inclusivity and diversity. Filmmakers from various backgrounds and perspectives are welcomed, ensuring a rich tapestry of stories that reflect the multifaceted nature of human experience. Through the lens of short films and documentaries, the festival provides a platform for marginalized voices to be heard and for underrepresented stories to be brought to the forefront.

The MSDFF also serves as a hub for networking, collaboration, and learning within the filmmaking community. Filmmakers have the opportunity to engage in panel discussions, workshops, and masterclasses led by industry professionals, enabling them to hone their craft, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful connections. This nurturing environment not only enriches the festival experience but also contributes to the growth and development of filmmakers on both local and international levels.

Moreover, the MSDFF plays a vital role in promoting cultural exchange and understanding. By showcasing films from around the globe, the festival bridges geographical and cultural divides, fostering dialogue and empathy among audiences from diverse backgrounds. Through the universal language of cinema, the festival encourages viewers to explore unfamiliar perspectives, challenge preconceptions, and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of humanity.

In essence, the Mumbai Short and Documentary Film Festival is more than just a showcase of cinematic talent; it is a celebration of the power of storytelling to inspire, educate, and unite. Through its unwavering dedication to short films and documentaries, the festival continues to be a beacon of creativity, innovation, and social consciousness in the vibrant tapestry of Mumbai's cultural landscape.

1. More than 25 Categories to do justice with all the submissions.

2. Exclusive review for the winner's of following title winners,
a) Best Feature Film
b) Best Short Film
c) Best Script

3. Laurels and specially designed certificate for the winners

4. Laurels and selection certificate for the projects who made it till official selection

5. Special shout outs for the winners on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

6. Metal trophy for the winners (need to order separately)

7. Metal medallion for the official selections (need to order separately)

1. Festopedia. Cinema and Script can use trailer/teaser/film poster/stills or BTS for the promotional purpose (but do not release, under any form or circumstances, the full film).

2. Entry fees are non-refundable unless they are covered by the submission protection option, according to the FilmFreeway terms.

3. The submitter owns all the rights to the film.

4. The submitter cannot withdraw the submission after the official selection announcement.

5. No banner registration or censor certificate required.

6. The decision of the Jury will be final nobody should ask about the short film not eligible for the final round of the festival.

7. Producer is fully responsible to get a no-objection certificate from whoever owns the rights of the short film on their Letter Head.

8. You should not take any legal action against the jury members & organizers.

9. You can Submit multiple Films.