All Entries would be given full professional critique and rating.
Feature Film and Documentary entries would get professional reviews on our website along with posters for PR purposes and distribution market credibility.

The Rayany Creators Film Festival is an all welcoming platform to highlight and celebrate the ingenuity and diversity of independent filmmakers worldwide and to give them an audience reach essential to achieving their filmmaking goals. RCFF is a film festival of independent filmmakers, by independent filmmakers for independent filmmakers.
Selected finalists will screened at our in person festivals for two days.

Event Structure: Each day will open with a feature film and close with another feature film. Between these will be short films screenings, panel discussions by filmmakers, Red Carpet interviews for attending filmmakers and guests as well as award nominees. There will be short breaks intervals between screening sessions to allow for networking.

Festival screening is scheduled for 20th and 21st August, 2024.
Winners of the prizes will be announced on day 2 at the closing ceremony of the Festival in Aberdeen.

Fees are non refundable.

Best Screenplay
Best Acting
Best Cinematography
Best Directing
Best Script (Screenwriting Contest)
Best Documentary
Best Student Short Film

(free delivery of award plaque and certificate for winners who couldnt attend the In-person Screening.)

All entries must meet the following criteria;
1) Be submitted by or with the permission of the director or producer.
2) All Films must be subtitled (especially for the benefit of guests with hearing disabilities)

Overall Rating
  • Leon McConnell

    What a great time we had at the Rayany Creators Film Festival. Ray and Olivia were both great hosts. We loved the films and panels and hope to participate again someday.

    March 2024
  • It was my pleasure to be part of Rayany Creators festival!! Thank you!

    February 2024
  • Thanks again for selected NOA.

    February 2024
  • Very pleasant experience, thanks a lot for having me!

    February 2024
  • Mark Forbes

    Thank you for selecting my documentary for 2024 Rayany Creators Film Festival and nominating it for an award. Moving forward as I am a filmmaker from Aberdeen, i think you should engage with the The Belmont Cinema Facebook for future screenings as even though I love the Cowdry Hall, its sound and lighting is not ideal setting for a film screenings at all. As I've had previous films screened there that were hugely helpful to me personally to make more edit adjustments. I was surprised there was not a great deal of Scottish or Aberdeen filmmakers films submitted. Where have they all gone? I could not sadly attend the festival as I've been filming my 3rd feature. I know you did the best you could with the Cowdry Hall venue though. :) Even though, I am from Aberdeen, but I'm London based. I'm also having to look for work.

    February 2024
    Response from festival:

    Thank you very much for your review and suggestions.
    Belmont was our first thought when looking out for venue but as we know, they aren't back in operation. When they are, it would definitely be back in our top choice for venue.
    About local films and filmmakers, it was perhaps the only less than encouraging outcome from the festival. We made sure to accept every entry from Aberdeen filmmakers because we wanted it to be a platform first for the locals. We had just 9 entries from local filmmakers and accepted them all.
    Only 1 of those 9 made it to see the screening while about 11 other filmmakers came from all over the world including the US to see their films screen.
    Of the 6 award winners, 2 were Aberdeen based filmmakers. Guess what? They were the only ones who were not at the awards.
    You see. If we had nominees travelling from as far as Malaysia to attend an award, we had thought the nominees who live next door and knows they were nominated would at least spare 30mins to join in.
    Of course we understand people have their schedules and time constraints which is perfectly understandable. It just makes a few persons in the team wonder if giving much preference to local Creators makes that much sense.