The ELBE DOCK International Film Festival is a competitive showcase of the best short films (fiction, animation, documentary and experimental) from Central Europe and since 2024 also from Scandinavia. The Pavel Koutecký Award is closely linked to the festival and will be awarded, as before, to the best Czech documentary first or second film by a filmmaker in both the feature and short film sections. The competition programme is complemented by a selection of the best European feature debuts and other strange and less strange accompanying programmes. For students, the festival offers special educational workshops and discussions with professionals.

The Pavel Koutecký Award was founded in 2007 as an award given to the most original Czech documentary film of the year. The award formed the foundations of the International Documentary Film Festival ELBE DOCK that was established in 2018 in Ústí nad Labem and Dresden (where the Pavel Koutecký Award continues to be awarded). Over the years, it has gradually begun to focus on Central European short films across all genres. In addition to short films, the festival also showcases the most interesting feature debuts and presents a rich accompanying programme, including various industry events for professionals and students.

The ELBE DOCK Award for Central European short film is awarded to the film’s director together with the financial award of 1.000 Euro.

The ELBE DOCK Award for Scandinavian short film is awarded to the film’s director together with the financial award of 1.000 Euro.

The Pavel Koutecky Award for Czech feature-length first and second documentary film is awarded to the film’s director together with the financial award of CZK 50.000.

The Pavel Koutecky Award for Czech documentary film is awarded to the film’s director together with the financial award of CZK 25.000.

1. The Characteristics of the Festival

1.1. Characteristics
ELBE DOCK Festival is an international film festival. The Festival’s aim is to present the creative film production (and its supporting program), to contribute to the development of artistic cinema and film industry.

1.2. Organizers
The Festival is organized by bujóns.r.o., with its seat at:

Červenkova 524/8
Praha 8
182 00

1.3. Other organizations
The organizer collaborates with other organizations who participate in the organization and financing of the Festival.

1.4. Management
The preparations and the course of the Festival are managed by the Festival Director.

2. Program sections
2.1. Film eligible for the competition must have had its premiere (cinema or festival distribution) during the previous calendar year at the latest. Films having its premiere at a festival this year or premiering at ELBE DOCK can also enter the competition.

2.2. The Festival consists of the following competitive sections:

The Pavel Koutecky Award for Czech feature-length first and second documentary film. Czech documentary film being a film by a Czech director or made in Czech production. Feature-length film being a film over 60 minutes inclusive. Feature-length first and second film being the director’s first or second publicly released (cinema distribution, alternative distribution, festivals, paid VOD platforms) feature-length documentary film. This rule doesn’t apply to student films produced at film schools and they are not included in the total number of the films. In case of a film made by multiple directors, the debutant is judged individually.

The Pavel Koutecky Award for Czech short documentary film. Czech documentary film being a film by a Czech director or made in Czech production. Short film being a film under 30 minutes inclusive. A documentary film is also understood to include a film that has a close connection to reality, but is not necessarily labelled as a documentary. In this case, the film is judged individually.

ELBE DOCK Award for Central European short film (fictional, documentary, experimental, animation). Central Europe being these countries: Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Czechia. Central European short film being a film made by a Central European director or produced in one of the given countries. Short film being a film under 30 minutes inclusive.

ELBE DOCK Award for Scandinavian short film (fictional, documentary, experimental, animation). Scandinavia being these countries: Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Scandinavian short film being a film made by a Scandinavian director or produced in one of the given countries. Short film being a film under 30 minutes inclusive.

2.3. The program also consists of non-competitive sections and other supporting program which is not open for submissions.

3. Film pre-selection (submission guidelines)
3.1. Submitters
The person submitting the film (hereafter “Submitter“) acknowledges that he or she has obtained consent from any and all authorized representatives of the film to submit the film to the competition.

3.2. Film selection
The films for the Pavel Koutecky Award are selected by a commission of experts.
The films for the ELBE DOCK competitions are selected by the Selection Committee.

3.3. Films eligible for open submissions
Film eligible for the competition must have had its premiere (cinema or festival distribution) during the previous calendar year at the latest. Films having its premiere at a festival this year or premiering at ELBE DOCK can also enter the competition.

3.4. Regulations for open submissions
Feature-length film being a film over 60 minutes in length inclusive.
Short film being a film under 30 minutes in length inclusive.

3.5. Submission fee
Submission to the competition is free, there are no other submission fees.

3.6. License fee
The Festival does not pay screening or license fees for selected films.

4. Preview screeners
4.1. Preview screener
The preview screener must be sent online together with the submission form on the website. The Festival prefers films sent via Vimeo. Please clearly indicate if the submitted screener is the final version or a work-in-progress.

4.2. Language version
The preview screener’s language version must be presented with Czech or English subtitles (if the original version is not in Czech).

5. Selected films
5.1. Submitted film
No film may be withdrawn from the Festival program after it has been officially submitted to the Festival’s competition. In case this happens, the submitter will defray the provable costs related to canceling the screening and changing the program. The films not selected to the competition can be presented in the non-competitive section.

5.2. News embargo
All information concerning the invitation to the Festival for each selected film must remain strictly confidential between the Festival organizer and the Participant until the official announcement made by the festival in this regard.

5.3. Requested materials
The Submitter will send the film’s promoting material – annotation, synopsis, stills from the film, trailer and film material for teaser. In case subtitles are needed he or she will provide the English dialogue list to be translated, or timed English subtitles to be translated. If possible, the Submitter will send the accompanying materials, posters, educational manuals, trivia, interviews, etc.

5.4. Screening format
File: H264 (H265) / MP4 with the information about the sound versions available.

5.5. Screening copy transportation
The screening copy will be sent to the Festival’s address (after preceding agreement), the cost will be paid by the Submitter.

5.6. Program schedule
The Festival determines the program schedule and sets the screening order for all films. Throughout the Festival, each film in the program may have up to two screenings (including those reserved for film professionals and journalists). Only the awarded films will have three screenings (Awarded film screening), either during the festival or as part of the festival's Echoes (in the Czech Republic and Germany).

5.7. Costs related to the transportation and insurance of the screening copy
Unless negotiated otherwise, costs related to the transportation of the screening copy and to promotional materials, as well as the transport insurance from the country of origin to the Custom Office in Prague, are the responsibility of the Participant.
The Festival will only pay for the return transportation charges (excluding any additional costs for tax and customs clearance in the country of delivery). As far as possible, the Festival will respect the wishes of Participants regarding the return address of the shipment of their film.
Costs related to insuring the screening copy against loss or complete or partial damage for the period after it is received by the Festival until its return to the delivery agent are the responsibility of the Festival.
In the event of damage or loss of the screening copy during the Festival, the Festival is only responsible for the cost of producing a new screening copy based on current standard laboratory rates.
Complaints regarding the technical condition of the returned screening copy must be reported to the Festival in writing within 7 (seven) days after being received. The insurance does not cover damages sustained during normal screening use.

5.8. Samples
The organizers are authorized to use samples of the film (maximum of three minutes) for promotional purposes.

6. Official Awards and juries
6.1. Members of the jury
The jury is selected by the Festival organizer and consists of personas of the social and cultural life.
The members of the juries must not have participated in the making or the commercial exploitation of any film in the competition they are judging. Jury members are sworn to secrecy.
The Festival Director, the Artistic Director or their representative may attend jury deliberations but will take no part in the voting. The decisions of the official juries are final.

6.2. Awards
The Pavel Koutecky Award for Czech feature-length first and second documentary film is awarded to the film’s director together with the financial award of CZK 50.000.

The Pavel Koutecky Award for Czech documentary film is awarded to the film’s director together with the financial award of CZK 25.000.

The ELBE DOCK Award for Central European short film is awarded to the film’s director together with the financial award of 1.000 Euro.

The ELBE DOCK Award for Scandinavian short film is awarded to the film’s director together with the financial award of 1.000 Euro.

The jury can grant a special award/recognition which is not financial. The award can go to either film, or a film professional.

7. Dates
7.1. Festival dates
The festival dates are September 4th2024 - September 8th 2024 in Ústí nad Labem and Dresden. Both parts are competitive. The dates may be adjusted by the Festival Director.

7.2. Submission dates
The deadline for submitting a film to the competition for the Pavel Koutecky Award and the ELBE DOCK Award is April 30th, 2024 included. The deadline may be adjusted by the Festival Director.

8. Conclusion
Entry and participation of films in the Festival implies agreement with this Statute. In the event of unclear situations or of cases unforeseen in these regulations, the management makes final decisions. All questions arising from the interpretation of this Statute will be resolved by the Festival management.

Filip Kršiak, Festival Director