A Night of Horror International Film Festival is now based in the United States of America!

In 2025 - its 17th edition, and its second year in the USA - A Night of Horror will run concurrently with MidWest WeirdFest. Each festival will have it's own cinema screen, and unique program, at the iconic Micon Downtown Cinema, in Eau Claire, Wisconsin from March 6-9, 2024. This will allow MidWest WeirdFest's loyal audience to also dip their toes into the bloody waters of A Night of Horror.

What began as a short film event in 2007 became Australia's longest-running showcase of horror and dark genre cinema from around the world. Now based in the USA, A Night of Horror is programmed once again by the festival's founder, Dean Bertram PhD.

The fest remains dedicated to screening and promoting the work of new, independent filmmakers and screenwriters from around the world working in the horror and related genre space.

A 2021 Dread Central article noted that A Night of Horror was “Australia's top genre festival” and attributed this ranking to “Dean Bertram's discerning curatorial eye” and his insistence in selecting “films from blind submissions, as opposed to sourcing from other festivals, distributors, or sales agents.”

Indeed, unlike many festivals, A Night of Horror programs the majority of its lineup from cold submissions (i.e. films submitted by you - the independent filmmaker - through our open submission process). We never have, and never will program the majority of the festival's line-up with films sourced from sales agents, distributors, or other festivals. This helps ensure that you - the submitting filmmaker - have a far better chance of screening at A Night of Horror, than at many other festivals that accept cold submissions, but then turn around and disingenuously program the majority of their line-up from films sourced elsewhere.

In our mission to showcase talented screenwriters, the festival also holds a screenplay competition for unproduced scripts, both features and shorts.

What the press says about A Night of Horror:

Dread Central: A Night of Horror has been selected by a panel of industry experts (filmmakers, festival directors, and journalists) as one of The Best Horror Film Festivals in the World for a second year running:

Adrian Tofei (filmmaker and international film festival authority) ranks the festival in the top 25 horror festivals on his important site: https://adriantofei.com/top-100-international-horror-film-festivals/

Fangoria: "A festival of frights gorging itself on a diet of sinister submissions from local and international filmmakers, it’s the only one of its kind in Australia... an institution."

Encore magazine: "Australia's first horror film festival ... recognises the past and gives the horror genre a platform for the future."

Showtime Movie News: "If your taste runs into the darker side of life then you don't want to miss A Night of Horror Film Festival."

FilmInk magazine: "Fans of all things dark and nasty are in for a real treat."

Oz HorrorScope: "Sydney's first real horror film fest ... a fantastic event."

People magazine: "Ghoulish gold for all tastes."

Drum magazine: "Australia's leading horror movie event... renowned and successful."

Praise from attending filmmakers:

Ursula Dabrowsky (FAMILY DEMONS / INNER DEMON): "Back in 2009, I World Premiered my first horror film, Family Demons, at A Night of Horror before a large audience of horror fans. I was pretty nervous. I didn’t know what to expect. That night was one of the best nights of my life. I met like-minded people who are passionate and respectful about intelligent, thoughtful horror films. In short, I found my tribe. Without a doubt, A Night of Horror has been a massive leg up in terms of my success as an Australian horror filmmaker and as far as I’m concerned, will continue to be one of the best ways to start off a horror film’s journey into the world."

John Michael Elfers (FINALE): "Saying that we had a tremendous experience at A Night of Horror would be an understatement. It was our World Premiere and exceeded our expectations. The screenings were packed, projection was gorgeous. We had a blast with the Q&A after our screening. A Night of Horror is committed to helping independent horror filmmakers find their audience and get noticed. They put our film in the hands of distributors, reviewers, and got us on the radio. The personal attention was unlike anything I've experienced at other festivals."

Devin Goodsell (BORNLESS ONES): "Couldn't have had a better time premiering BORNLESS ONES at A Night of Horror! Big thanks to Dean, the amazing crew of the festival, and the other incredibly talented filmmakers! There were so many great films to see and having BORNLESS ONES be a part of it was truly an honour!"

Deke Richards (TAX SHELTER TERRORS): "A Night of Horror Film Festival gave my co-directed documentary TAX SHELTER TERRORS the exposure it needed to get it to the next level. Immediately after its premiere, it received much praise and interest within the film industry, that it never had beforehand. I will never forget the professionalism and courtesy of the staff which gave this event that special touch. This is a great festival to get your film the right spotlight and I will always love to have any future project shown at this event!"

Mike Masters (REEL ZOMBIES): “I’ve attended all types of festivals across the world with REEL ZOMBIES and my experience at A Night of Horror ranks amongst the best of them all. Festival Directors Dean Bertram and Lisa Mitchell do a great job and the festival is extremely well organized with a great selection of films making inclusion in the festival an honour. I look forward to seeing this festival continue to grow and expand and it will be at the top of the list for festivals to submit to with my next genre picture.”

Steven Kastrissios (THE HORSEMAN): "A Night of Horror is fast becoming a major player on the Australian festival circuit. With so little support for local genre films, Dean Bertram and Lisa Mitchell's festival is a shining beacon of light. There's a genuine warmth and celebration of the films they support and it infects everyone who comes along."

Seve Schelenz (SKEW): "I am very honored to have been accepted and showcased at A Night of Horror. I can't think of a better place than this outstanding festival to kick off the world premiere of SKEW... I had an unforgettable experience here and look forward to submitting my future films in a hope to have my World Premieres at A Night of Horror Film Festival."

Damien Slevin (A BREAK IN THE MONOTONY): "I was very honoured to be a part of A Night of Horror International Film Festival. As a lover of the genre it is one festival that I would want to attend, let alone be included in. Horror could not have better representation than this gem of a festival. Aside from the great lineup of quality international and domestic films it would have to be about the friendliest and most welcoming fest I have attended. I look forward to next year’s lineup."

Wade K. Savage (THE DEAD WASTES): "A Night of Horror is one of the most incredible horror festivals you will go to. Put together by people who love horror, it's an utter blast. Dean Bertram and the team are championing horror content in Australia, and what's more importantly, they are supporting true upcoming talent. If there is any horror festival you need to be apart of A Night of Horror is it. "

Daniel Giambruno (THE NEW LIFE): “At last! A film festival in Sydney which is not about having cocktails with public servants!… unless they have been dead for three weeks and still willing to tear the Scream Queen’s dress into shreds… to start with! Horror and fantasy are without doubt the genres that give film directors the most creative freedom.”

Lee After (THE LONE WOLF): "Going to A Night of Horror was definitely one of the best experiences of my life. From seeing awesome films to meeting the great people running the show, everything about the fest was fantastic! If you're thinking about going, don't think, just go!"

David Curzon (OVERBOARD): “A welcoming and well organised festival with a great atmosphere.”

Best Film, Best Director, Best Short, Best Lovecraft Short, Best Animated Short, Best Music Video, Best Web/TV/New Media, Independent Spirit Award, Feature Screenplay Competition Winner, Feature Screenplay Competition 1st Runner Up, Feature Screenplay Competition 2nd Runner Up, Feature Screenplay Finalist, Short Screenplay Competition Winner, Short Screenplay Competition 1st Runner Up, Short Screenplay Competition 2nd Runner Up, Short Screenplay Competition Finalist.

We require films initially be submitted via online screeners, i.e. private Youtube, Vimeo or FilmFreeway links. We do not accept physical preview copies (i.e. DVDs, Blu-rays).

In submitting your film or video to A Night of Horror International Film Festival you guarantee that you have all the relevant permissions, licenses and releases for your film or video to be screened in a public exhibition. You must have in your possession the permissions, licenses and releases for the submitted film or video's music, script, actors etc.

Entrants in the Feature Screenplay or Short Screenplay categories, must read and agree to the rules specific to these categories (see below).

There is no restriction as to the year that the submitted film was made.

If your film is selected to screen at the festival, you must supply us with a copy of your film in digital format. We prefer you to upload a digital file to the festival's Dropbox, according specs that you will be given upon acceptance into the festival. We produce our own DCPs to screen at the festival from these files. We can also screen from a DCP that you provide us. However, WE PREFER NOT TO, due to issues with filmmaker made DCPs in the past, even DCPs made by supposed professional post houses have failed on more than one occasion. All Digital Media Files or physical DCPs MUST be received by the festival admin no later than two (2) weeks after notification.

While care will be taken, we are unable to guarantee the safety of your hard drive, or film while in our possession, or in transit. If selected to screen at the festival, and you ask to send a DCP on a hard drive, please do not send us a master copy, or your only copy of the film.

After the festival, hard drives containing digital files submitted to the festival for exhibition will be either returned to entrant or forwarded to another film festival as requested by entrant.

The festival only pays for return shipping. We do not pay for shipping both ways of DCPs or other exhibition mediums. We do not pay for rush shipping to other festivals. If selected to screen at the festival, and unable to upload a digital copy of their film to the festival's Dropbox account, the filmmaker agrees to arrange for and pay for digital file/hard drive, and/or DCP shipping to the festival in Wisconsin, USA. Filmmaker also agrees to provide necessary KDM for any DCP sent to the festival at no expense to the festival.

If selected to screen at the festival, the filmmaker agrees to arrange for and pay for the shipping of DCP to the festival in Wisconsin. The filmmaker also agrees to provide necessary KDM for any DCP sent to the festival at no expense to the festival. These must also be received by the festival no later than two (2) weeks after notification.

Additional digital publicity materials (jpg stills and poster files) are also requested if your film is selected to screen at the festival.

Please select the most relevant category for your film. You may choose between:

1. Feature Films: Any feature-length film (45 to 150 minutes in duration). Documentaries are also welcome.


3. Short Films: Any live-action film (45 minutes or under in duration).

4. Short Animations: Any animated film (45 minutes or under in duration).

5. Short Films based on, or inspired by, the writings of H. P. Lovecraft: Any film (including live-action, animated, narrative, experimental, or documentary as long as it is under 45 minutes in duration) that deals with, or is inspired by, horror author H. P. Lovecraft or his writings.

6. TV/Web/New Media: A made-for-TV / made-for-web series or production which is no longer that 35 minutes. If you submit a web series, and you are selected to screen at the fest, we will likely only a program a single episode to screen at the festival.

7. 6. Music Videos: Any music video that deals with horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or thriller themes or tropes. Or any music video portraying subject matter that one might consider belonging to s speculative genre. Must be under 10 minutes, any longer music orientated piece, please select another category, ie short film (if under 45 minutes) or feature film (if over 45 minutes)

6. Feature Screenplay Competition: For feature-length screenplays between 45 and 130 pages in length.

7. Short Screenplay Competition: For short screenplays that are less than 45 pages in length.

The winners of each category will be announced publicly the week following the festival. In all cases, this decision is final.

Entrants whose films are chosen for screening at the festival will be notified no later than February 15th 2025. Entrants whose films are selected will be given two (2) complimentary tickets to the screening of their film at A Night of Horror International Film Festival 2025.

If you decide to attend the festival and require accommodation we are able to recommend local AirB&B/hotels/motels, but are unable to cover any costs that your travel or accommodation may incur.

By submitting to the festival you agree to abide by and commit to the following statement: "I authorize Lovecraft 21c Productions LLC and A Night Of Horror International Film Festival to screen the film or video listed above, upon the film or video's acceptance in A Night of Horror International Film Festival. For the purpose of the screenings, I authorize Lovecraft 21c Productions to market the film or video in whatever manner they see fit to promote the festival. I acknowledge that Lovecraft 21c Productions LLC holds the screening rights of the above-listed film or video for A Night of Horror International Film Festival. I confirm that all other rights remain the sole property of myself and/or my nominated production company. I hereby confirm that all material used in the production of the film or video is the original work of myself or my nominated production company, or is work for which I or my nominated production company have obtained with releases, including but not limited to actors, performances and the musical score. I guarantee that I have obtained all the necessary permissions, licenses and clearances to enter this film or video into A Night of Horror International Film Festival and that the film and the screening of the film by A Night of Horror, does not infringe the moral and ethical rights including copyright of any third party. I understand that my submission is in no way a guarantee of acceptance into A Night of Horror International Film Festival and that nobody representing A Night of Horror International Film Festival has guaranteed my acceptance into the festival prior to this submission. I have read and agree to the general rules, terms and conditions of A Night of Horror International Film Festival. I have also read and agree to any specific rules relating to the category that I am entering my film, video, or screenplay."


There is no restriction on the year that the screenplay was written.

The screenplay must not have been previously submitted to A Night Of Horror.

Screenplays must be submitted electronically online.

All screenplays should be formatted in accordance with industry standards.

All Screenplays must be submitted in PDF format (no Word format, or Txt, or FDS formatted submissions will be accepted).

Please include a paragraph synopsis, and logline.

No rewritten/corrected pages, or newer drafts will be accepted once the entry is received.

Screenplay must be in English.

Screenplay must not have been previously optioned, purchased, in production or produced.

Screenplays written as adaptations of other works must have secured rights before being submitted.

The entrant retains copyright to their screenplay.

Finalists and winners of the screenplay competition will be notified and announced at the same time as winning films of the 2025 A Night of Horror International Film Festival: in the week following the completion of the festival.

The entrant agrees that he or she will never assert against Lovecraft 21c Productions or A Night of Horror International Film Festival, or any of the competition's assigned judges or readers any claim or action based on plagiarism, infringement, confidential or fiduciary relationship, implied contract, idea theft, unfair competition or any other theory arising in connection with their submission to A Night of Horror International Film Festival, and the entrant understands that A Night of Horror accepts no liability of any kind for the unauthorized use of all or part of such submissions by any person. In this regard, the entrant hereby absolutely releases and forever discharges Lovecraft 21c Productions, A Night of Horror International Film Festival and its officers, employees, volunteers, judges, readers, affiliates, and associates, individually and collectively, of or from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, legal fees, expenses, debts, actions, and causes of action against Lovecraft 21c Productions LLC or A Night of Horror International Film Festival of every kind whatsoever, now and in the future, in connection with the entrant's submission.

Overall Rating
  • I dig these guys thank you!

    May 2024
  • Chad Ferrin

    AMAZING fest, Dean is the BEST!!!

    April 2024
  • Matthew Barber

    It was an honor to have our short film "Sempre Avanti" selected! I wish my brother and I could have attended. We've heard wonderful things about the fest. Thank you so much for supporting our short!

    April 2024
  • Joe Greening

    Dean was so accommodating to our film and our crew. Very happy to have been screened in the Best of the Midwest category!

    March 2024
  • It was an honor to have the world premiere of my horror comedy Mysterious Ways at A Night of Horror and take home the best horror comedy award! Loved getting to meet other filmmakers and watch an amazing lineup of features and shorts up in Eau Claire. Dean puts on a great festival and is fantastic with filmmaker communication. Highly recommended!

    March 2024