Born in 1977, Maxi Estomba grew up in Greater Buenos Aires. He studied “Image and Sound Design” at UBA and “Direction of Photography” at CFP-S.I.C.A. in Buenos Aires.
He performed tasks in the areas of directing, producing, casting and cinematography mainly in series and movies.
After several experimental short films in 35 mm, he films Pingüino in Morón, in the suburbs of Buenos Aires Province.
With a career of more than twelve years as Assistant Director, he filmed in Argentina, Mexico, Chile and Uruguay, having also worked on international productions from Argentina for various countries such as the US, Germany, México, Israel and Spain.
He is currently developing the script for his debut feature film.
Birth Date
May 4, 1977
maxi estomba
Birth City
Buenos Aires
Current City
Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
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