The ABUJA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL and TOLARAM NIG LTD recognizes the importance of the creative and cultural industries as engines of development and transformation in the Nigeria.
Therefore, in commemoration of its 19th anniversary of the Abuja International Film Festival, AIFF/TOLARAM calls for a National Short Film competition "Hygiene: Camera. Action for the future" with the purpose of promoting the participation of young amateurs and professionals to produce short videos on key hygiene topics for the development of the Nigeria.
This competition seeks to promote talent in our Nigeria through social impact digital initiatives that incorporate cutting-edge technologies, innovation and creativity in terms of audiovisual proposals that formulate solutions to different Hygienic problems and opportunities in Nigeria.
Within its strategic vision, AIFF/TOLARAM are looking for innovative proposals that, through audiovisual productions, articulate stories of impact and clearly identify the challenges and actions to Hygiene solutions.
Proposals will be accepted that address the following topics:

•The best 3 entries in the competition will be awarded Cash Prizes. The prizes will be in the following order:
1st Prize – N500, 000
2nd Prize – N300, 000
3rd Prize – N200, 000

To participate
•To participate in the competition, you must register in our website and follow the AIFF account on YouTube.
•The submission of the entries will be sent to the following address: 

•In the subject of the mail you must indicate: AIFF 2022 SHORT FILM CONTEST - Name and Last name.
This will be checked against the participant's registration.

•The participant must send a technical file of the project with his/her entry, including the title and description of the project, name of the author and a brief biography, current address, telephone number and e-mail address.

Overall Rating